
  • Putting people first in working culture
  • Powering up the workforce with the most comprehensive, data-backed and effective optimisation of workforces
  • Businesses driven by ethics, people and purpose


  • Partnering with companies to positively change the trajectory of the company by caring for and pivoting the workforce
  • A range of tools tailored specifically to the company from basic wellness initiatives to developing heart-based world-class leaders and teams
  • Empower the entire workforce to adapt quickly, be resilient and thrive in uncertain modern business environments

Your people are your business.

  • Digitised and in-person solutions to maximise wellness of all employees.
  • Real leadership is connection based and taking heart-centred action.
  • Culture is co-created by the people in it.
  • Connecting workers to themselves and each other to adapt and thrive through uncertainty.
  • Work-life blending not balancing at all levels of the company.
  • People AND profit go together.

Why partner with us?

  • We understand employee wellness is more than fruit bowls and Plates classes.
  • Integrate latest technology for scale and cost-optimisation without losing the human and personalised touch.
  • A one-stop shop for all your employee well-being needs.
  • Go beyond promoting a healthy lifestyle outside of work and bring it directly into the workplace.
  • Every employee is important in the workforce.

What does that partnership look like?

  • Co-create with employees at all levels, believing in integrating not imposing well-being initiatives.
  • We start by understanding your business needs.
  • We support, guide and facilitate real employee well-being that also aligns with your company’s values and goals.
  • A digitised well-care platform at the ready.
  • Each business, team and employee has unique needs, if you need unique solutions we’ll see if we can build exactly what you ne
  • A team of passionate specialists from different walks of life and experiences.
  • Share one common purpose: to bring Bliss right Now to the workforce whilst improving business performance.


Get in touch now with BlissNow@ here.

Bliss now